I'm not sure what the specific reason is for you wanting to do somthing like this but it's probably a) your parents never let you have a red mohawk and you are still bitter, so you are an idiot. b)You want your 5 year old child to think of you as one of his best friends, and you couldn't bring yourself to dissapoint him by saying no to the mohawk request, so you are an idiot. c) You think it looks good so you are an idiot. d) You think it makes you look good, so you are an idiot.
Many years ago, when I was young and might have had,or at least might have had friends who had, a red mohawk, the hairstyle was a statement.If you had, or if, God forbid, your five year old child had a red mohawk, the statement was that there was somthing wrong with you, that you just don't give a fuck, that you are part of a group of people who don't give a fuck, that you are a badass who knows that wearing a red mohawk is going to bring you regular beatings and that you are ready and willing to take those beatings rather than cut your hair to avoid said beatings.During these beatings, parts of you were broken, blood flowed, and hopefully, some of these chickenshit motherfuckers, who would never confront you alone, spilled some blood of their own. It was a statement, thats why it wasn't just an unusuall hairstyle, but it was also FUCKING RED!
Todays red mohawk on a five year old at the amusment park is also a statement, the statement is, MY PARENT IS A FUCKING IDIOT!!!!