So, it was a long and wierd week. Now to preface this post I feel the need to state that I believe that the sun and the moon have a significant impact on living things on Earth.Personally, I tend to notice a huge energy buildup in June leading up to the summer solstice, and then a schechy kind of falling off of energy in the weeks following.Whether or not this affects others is beyond me but it definately affects my perception.Regardless,this is what I saw this week on my way to work.On sunday morning,around 6:00am I was driving up a rural mountian road when a man in another car came down the other way hanging out the window waving his arms in the universal "slow down!" fashion.So,figuering there was probably an accident-or a cop-around the corner,I slowed way down,drove over the ridge,around the curve,noticed a car on the side of the road, some debris in the road,and a man,stomping around in the middle of the road.When he saw my car he stopped dead in his tracks,turned to face me,raised his rifle and pointed it straight at my head.He was probably about 50 feet away so I had some time to think.What I thought was,"This crazy motherfucker is going to kill me!" Oh, and by the way, he had a sword too. A sword.So I flipped it into reverse,spun the tires all the way back up the hill while ducking down and peering out the back window.I thought I heard gunshots but it was probably my car getting ready to throw a rod from doing 9800 rpm up the hill in reverse.At the top of the hill I tried to stop another car from going down but they blew past me.I pulled infront of the next car comming down(it must have been a peculiar sight, seeing a car swerving up the hill in reverse in the oppisite lane) I rolled down my passenger side window and yelled STOP!!!!!the guy rolled his window down and I screammed"ther's a guy with a gun in the middle of the road down there!" He replied "What the FUCK! Do you have a cell phone? call 911"I said FUCK THAT YOU CALL 911 I'M GETTING THE FUCK OUTA HERE!" I did call 911 on my way outa there and I was an hour late for work and freaking out when I got there.So that was sunday.On Tuesday I was driving the same route and I was behind 2 cars who were behind a big rig trailor truck, and the cars were piling up behind me, so the guy in the truck decides to pull over to let the cars pass and instead of waiting untill there is a safe place to pull over, he pulls over to the side of the road, and then right off the side of the road and down a 100 foot embankment.Smooth move exlax! Six cars and trucks full of consruction workers and one cook pull over and run,while dialling 911,over to the accident.Three of us ran down the hill and found two guys,unharmmed,and really pissed that they just wrecked there truck and probably lost their jobs.The truck was spewing black smoke and looked like the wrecked 815 flight from lost and I thought it was going to either blow up or roll down over us at any minuite so I got the hell out of there and went to work.
I need a day off.
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