So, I was sitting at the bar at LAX, waiting for a plane or something, and up walks none other than the great FLAVOR FLAV! He orders a Courvoisier, and the bartender IDs him. Now, this was a couple of years ago but my man Flav is at least 49, and there is no doubt whatsoever that this is the legendary Public Enemy Timekeeper. So I walked over to him, snapping pictures with my camera phone, and asked, "Hey man, what the hell does it say on your ID?" His reply, "It says what the hell ever happened to asking permission before taking pictures of a dude?" Being the unapologetic stargazer that I am I immediately went into ass kissing/groveling mode, telling him what a huge fan I am and about the time I waited in a Tijuana club until 4am to see Public Enemy, back in the days when going to see a rap group was considered somewhat dangerous.My prostrating turned Flav around pretty quick and he promised to come back later and pose for a pic. I figured that was the end of that and went back to my seat. The business woman who was sitting next to me asked who that was and I said, " ahhh... Flavor Flav!" So I watched the rap star bounce around the lounge for a while, he was with some dude and acouple of porn star/stripper types and about 15 minutes later he comes over with his road dog and asks if I still want that picture, and of course I did! Now, if I can only remember where I put that pic.....
So, a week later I was in the San Diego airport, catching a flight or something, and who do I see sitting slumped in a chair with a baseball hat pulled down over his face? That's right, the great KAREEM ABDUL JABBAR! Now, I'm fresh off my brush with greatness that was Flavor Flav in the LAX cocktail lounge, so I start veering my way over towards Mr.Jabbar, full of confidence in my ability to converse with celebrity, camera phone in hand, stupid half drunk smile on face and Kareem shoots me this look that, unmistakeably says,"If you take one more step in my direction I'm going to take you like a Magic Johnson outlet pass and sky hook you over onto the next runway asshole! That's one pic I won't have to bother looking for.
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